Easter is Here
Thank you for letting us into your home several times a year with our newsletter. Our goal is to reconnect with you and share some fun or useful
information. We hope you enjoy reading the articles and are reminded of the services we offer.
Can you believe how fast this year is flying by? Springtime is a great time! The grass is getting green, the wind starts dying down and we get to celebrate Easter! As I’ve gotten older, Easter has far eclipsed Christmas as my most
cherished, special day. For those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, Easter is a monumental occasion. Surely we are sobered by the recognition of
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to pay our sin debt. But, just as important, we can joyously celebrate His resurrection from the tomb.
Believers who have invited Christ into their lives are supernaturally allowed to participate in His crucifixion AND His resurrection. Christ lends us His
righteousness so that we are found innocent before God and supplants within us His eternal life. No longer are we bound to a life of sin or have the need to fear death. That is the good news of the gospel and gives believers cause to celebrate! If you are a believer, celebrate and bask in the love that has been lavished on you by God.
If you have never taken the step of inviting Jesus into your life and
feel led to learn more about a relationship with Him, act now! Call someone you know who is a believer or a local pastor and ask them to tell you more.
Jesus not only wants to bless you with eternal life with Him, but also wants to live in and through you now.
Forgive me if you are offended by a spiritual message in what is normally a business communication, but frankly, as badly as I want to serve your home improvement needs, your spiritual state is of much greater importance than whether you ever buy siding, windows, or a metal roof from our company.
Have a great Spring and please call me if I can be of service to you!