Time is flying by…
It’s hard to believe that 2013 is almost half over. We have been richly blessed in our family, our relationships and our business. I hope that you too, can say the same about your life. May we make the most of each day.
While I’m not a theologian or a philosopher, I do have some deeply held beliefs that serve me well. I would like to share them with you in hopes that you will consider implementing some or all of them. Consider it a challenge, as to whether or not the following will positively impact your life in the coming year.
*Seek God. Whether you actively recognize it or not, God is your Creator and Sustainer. He loves you and wants only the best for you. Look for Him in every area of your life. He is interested in every detail. He stands ready to guide you and strengthen you in every minute of every day. Honor Him by freely admitting your dependence on Him.
*Develop positive expectations. Each of us has a way of developing our own self-fulfilling prophecies. In other words, we find what we look for. If you’re basically a negative minded person who expects bad things, you will rarely be disappointed. On the other hand, if you consistently look for those things that are good, positive and uplifting, that will most likely be what you experience. Develop the habit and yes, it is a habit, of seeing the glass “half full.”
*Serve others. Believe it or not, life is not “all about you.” Develop a daily habit of doing something for someone with no expectation of getting a reward out of it for yourself. We were made to serve one another. Fulfill your purpose. Serving others can become your greatest joy and is almost a sure fire cure for simple depression.
May the rest of your 2013 be great for you and yours! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patronage and your willingness to refer us to your family and friends.