Five Signs That Your House Needs New Siding
Ask most homeowners what their next home improvement projects are, and there’s a good chance replacing the siding isn’t exactly at the top of the list. What they do not know is this important element is as exposed to the same weather conditions. Just like your roofs and gutters, the siding should have the same level of care.
If you do see the following signs, it’s time to get in touch with the reliable siding company in Lubbock, TX:
1. Frequent Repainting
If your siding is peeling, cracking or chipping, and needing regular repaint every couple of years, then it is definitely time to have a new one installed. It would normally last three to five years without needing a repaint. If these signs appear early on, there’s something fundamentally wrong with your siding.
Better yet, go for a long-term solution like getting steel siding. Forget about repainting and dealing with cracked and chipped paint; contact your leading siding company in Midland, TX: Jones & Associates. We have the steel siding your home needs.
2. High Energy Bills
If your energy bills are a little on the high side, this means your home’s energy efficiency isn’t being maximized. Doors and windows are the usual culprits, but the siding is a close second. This is where a steel siding is best. It provides better insulation and is much more durable compared with vinyl or other materials.
3. Dry Rot
One way you can tell if you have dry rot is by simply tapping the siding with something firm like a screwdriver. If pieces fall off, it’s a sure sign of dry rot. That’s reason enough to contact your trusted siding company in Odessa, TX, for a replacement.
4. Water Damage
Moisture is something that you definitely want to keep out of your house. If you notice warping, rotting or softening siding, then moisture is a problem. The same goes for peeling or loose wallpaper, presence of fungus, mold or mildew, and even bubbles in the siding.
These signs mean there is too much moisture absorbed by the siding. In fact, the peeling wallpaper indicates the moisture may have seeped into the walls.
5. Cracks and Holes
One or two cracked or loose siding isn’t exactly a cause for alarm, but if you’re talking about large sections of the house, replacing it is a must. Cracks (or the occasional holes) can be entry points for rainwater or damp.
Regardless problems you find with your siding, Jones & Associates can help you. We pride ourselves with providing only the top quality materials, professional installation and being backed by the most reliable warranties in the industry. Call us today at (806) 686-1380 or (800) 658-2060 to know more about our steel siding options.