This ‘n That

By the time this newsletter is printed and in your hands, I should be started down the road to recovery from surgery. Allow me to tell you my story…

Approximately a year ago, I went to my doctor for an annual check up. As part of the blood work, he requested a PSA test that checks for problems with your prostate. My value was slightly too high, so he sent me to a urologist. He, in turn, assumed I had an infection, so he gave me some antibiotics. After taking two rounds of antibiotics, my PSA was still elevated. At that point, he suggested that I have a biopsy of my prostate to rule out cancer. He did the biopsy and it came back clear. However, he continued to monitor my PSA for several months and it continued to slowly rise. At that point, he suggested performing a more comprehensive biopsy in case the first procedure simply missed any cancerous cells. I put the 2nd biopsy off for a few months because I felt fine and didn’t really want to avail myself to the hassle of another procedure. We kept watching my PSA level and it continued to slowly rise. My urologist convinced me that it was time to take a second look, He performed a saturation biopsy which is basically just a biopsy where they take a lot more samples. This biopsy resulted in a diagnosis of cancer.

My doctor, L’Anna and I met to discuss the treatment options. I was most interested in the robotic, surgical treatment. To me, it appears to provide the most comprehensive approach while allowing for additional treatment down the road should that ever be necessary. Not all therapies provide many options should the cancer reoccur, but the surgery option does.

I have a very experienced surgeon that I have a great deal of faith in. I don’t view my cancer diagnosis as a life threatening issue, but rather as an inconvenient bump in the road. I am very fortunate in having an early diagnosis, insurance, a great doctor, a loving family, a host of supportive friends and a loving relationship with the Lord of all Creation.

I share my story for three reasons. First, I consider you among my friends and friends keep each other abreast of their life happenings. Second, I covet your prayers if you feel inclined to pray for me and my family. Lastly, I implore you men to have regular checkups and insist on having your PSA checked. If not for the blood work done at an annual physical, I would be walking around with cancer and have absolutely no knowledge of it because I don’t really have any physical symptoms of a problem.

Thanks for allowing me to share this with you. I treasure our relationships and appreciate each of you. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call if we can serve you in any way.

Jeff Jones

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