Your Lubbock Roofing, Siding or Replacement Window Project Could Be FREE!
Choose Jones & Associates to install your new roof, add siding to your home, or replace your old windows and you could end up getting your entire project (up to a maximum of $10,000)… FREE!
This year four lucky customers will win our “Jones Boys Big Hat” contest, getting their roofing, siding or replacement windows done at absolutely no cost.
Here’s how it works. At the end of every quarter we toss the names of all the qualified customers we have served in the last three months into a big hat, then draw out a winner. That person gets all their money back! (Up to $10,000.)
Simply make the smart choice by hiring Jones & Associates for your home improvement project and, upon the completion of the sale, qualified customers are entered into our next “Jones Boys Big Hat” contest.
What could be better than getting the very best West Texas home improvement work, including roofing, siding and replacement windows and doors, and saving up to $10,000? Make sure you get in on our next “Jones Boys Big Hat” contest by calling today.
Call Jones & Associates today at (806) 686-1380 to schedule a FREE in-home consultation and estimate for your home improvement project.
- Winner 1- McDonald
- Winner 2- Martin
- Winner 3- Perrin
- Winner 4- Rivas
- Winner 5- Wiggins
- Winner 6- Robbins
- Winner 7- Horton
- Winner 8- Seay
- Winner 9- Brown
- Winner 10- Ybarra
- Winner 11- Holcomb
- Winner 12- Dewees
- Winner 13- Smith
- Winner 14- Phillips
- Winner 15- Donelle
- Winner 16- Shuey
- Winner 17- Wiley
Our first drawing was in January, 2013. Our customers who purchased a job from us the last quarter of 2012 and chose to enter our contest were in the drawing. The name drawn was Amanda McDonald from Midland, TX. She and her husband, Turk, are from the Dallas area. Turk played football at the University of Texas. She purchased windows and wraps in November of 2012. She and her husband have lived in their home for 20 years. Amanda had other contractors bid her job, but she trusted Jones & Associates to do her work. She had seen our TV commercials and had received a postcard from our company. She kept trying to pay the workmen for the job, but we wanted to surprise her by a visit. She was thrilled to know that she was our first winner!
Our second drawing was in April, 2013. Jeanette Martin was our winner! She bought siding and soffit & fascia from our company in February and chose to enter our contest. Jeanette worked at a State Farm insurance agency for 29 years and has lived in her home in Lubbock for 41 years. She did not want to paint again! She likes the “proofs in the pudding” saying because she trusted a man who stood behind his words. She was excited to hear she was our second winner!
John Perrin was our third winner in July, 2013. He has been a farmer in Hereford since 1970. He has owned a farmhouse since 1979. He needed to work on the house because of hail and wind damage. He called Jones & Associates because he had visited with several of our past customers. Mr. Perrin purchased a metal roof and siding, soffit & fascia and wraps from us in June and entered our contest. It was a great day for him when he learned he won and we returned his checks to him!
Shawn and JoLynn Rivas – Stanton, TX. We were thrilled to be able to announce on Veterans Day that the Rivas’ new windows, soffit, and fascia work was “on us.” Shawn is a Marine Corps veteran and owner of a backhoe company. JoLynn is a native of Stanton, and recently joined Shawn in their growing business after working in the local courthouse. Shawn and JoLynn have four beautiful children.
Gary and Debbie Wiggins are enjoying their new patio windows courtesy of Jones & Associates, as they are our newest “Big Hat” contest winners. Both Gary and Debby are retired from Texas Tech University. Gary worked in information technology, while Debby was a history professor at the school. They have lived in their home for 10 years, although they have lived in Lubbock for most of their lives.
Rosa Beth Robbins was our 6th winner. She entered our contest when her estimator sold her some windows for her home. She was so touched to learn she received the job FREE of charge !! She has lived in Lubbock since 1976. She is a retired school teacher. She has 3 daughters with families who all live in Lubbock.
The Horton’s are lifelong Quanah residents, where John is a rancher and Cheryl is a school teacher. They had been thinking about replacing the drafty windows on their home when a flier arrived in the mail from Jones & Associates. We paid them a visit and they were quickly convinced of the performance and value that our replacement windows offered.
John and Cheryl were impressed by how quickly we responded to their request, and even more pleased with how smoothly the measurement and installation process went. They are thrilled with their new windows, and were especially excited to learn that they had won $10,000 in this quarter’s Big Hat contest.
You can watch their reaction in this video as we present their check. But be warned! Some of the audio is a little bit difficult to hear over the Horton’s cattle, who seem to be just as pleased with the new windows!
James & Dianne Brown of Muleshoe, TX are our 9th winners in our Big Hat contest. They had soffit & fascia installed on their home by Jones and Associates and won $10,000 toward their project by entering our contest when they made their purchase. James and Dianne grew up in the Muleshoe area and raised their 3 daughters there. They have 9 grandchildren. James worked for USDA for 2 years after graduating from college, farmed for 43 years and is now retired. Dianne worked as a bookkeeper for Dale Oil and is now Mary Kay consultant. They are so grateful for their winnings and have decided to use some of their money to bless a family in their church who have a daughter suffering from a brain tumor!
Robert & Elaine Ybarra, of Lubbock, TX are our 10th winners in our Big Hat Contest. We installed windows in their home and they received their job for FREE! They have been in Lubbock over 40 years and have lived in this home for 10 years. They have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. They are Co-Directors of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Lubbock. This year they are celebrating 50 years of marriage.
Randy is a long time resident of Lubbock and graduate of Texas Tech University. He is a truck driver for Thermo Fluids Inc and covers much of the same territory our team travels. Randy is engaged to Michelle Phillips. They enjoy entertaining friends and spending time outdoors. Michelle works at the TTU health sciences center. They enjoy camping at Buffalo Springs Lake.
Randy & Maureen Dewees are our 12th Contest Winners! They won a free entry door. They have been residents of Lubbock since 1978. They have been in this home for 24 years. Randy has worked for Indiana Chevron for 18 years and Maureen has worked for Plains Capital Bank for 34 years. They have one son who lives in Ft. Worth, TX.
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Smith from Kermit, TX are our 13th Jones Boys Big Hat Contest winners. They have lived in Kermit for 35 years. Tommy is retired from the oilfield and his wife owns a boutique in town. The windows they purchased from us were totally FREE!
We were pleased and proud to help Joe and Sherry make their Levelland home more comfortable and energy efficient by installing brand new windows, as well as wrapping their trim with beautiful and durable cladding. The transformation was stunning, giving their home a whole new look.
Joe and Sherry have lived in Levelland for 16 years, and in their present home for the past 13 years. Sherry is a communications clerk at South Plains College, and Joe is a gas compressor mechanic for the Dover Company. They have two children and have been blessed with six grandchildren, ages 5-19.
Thanks to the work we were able to do for Joe and Sherry, the happy Phillips brood will be able to visit Joe and Sherry and enjoy a home that is cooler all summer and warmer all winter. As Sherry wrote, “We cannot thank you enough! We are praising our Lord for all blessings!”
Mrs. Wynelle Donnelle has lived in this Levelland home since 1980. Her husband was a cotton farmer and she was the Hockley County District Clerk for 12 years. She has 3 grown children, 7 grandchildren and 2 1/2 great grandchildren. She purchased concrete coating from us and entered our Big Hat Contest. She was the lucky winner and received her job totally free!
Jimmy Shuey was born and raised in Abernathy. He and his wife had the house built in 1967. His daughter now lives in the house he grew up in. He hopes his home will stay in their family for the next generation. His wife passed away a year ago. He has 4 kids, 7 grandkids, and 5 great grandkids. He retired from the Lubbock fire department. He won free windows for his home!
Roosevelt & Doris Wiley purchased a steel roof from us this year. Theirs was the lucky name drawn for our 1st quarter of 2017. We drove to Midland to give them their check for $10,000, but they weren’t home!
Here are links to the individual stories of all our Big Hat Winners. We hope to someday feature your project on this list!
Winner 2- Martin
Winner 3- Perrin
Winner 4- Rivas
Winner 5- Wiggins
Winner 6- Robbins